* underlined indicates students
Takaro, T., Enright, P., Waters, S., Galway, L.P., S. Galanis, E., Waters, S., Murdock, T., Brubacher, J., Dunn, G. (Forthcoming 2021). Water Quality, Quantity and Security chapter in Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action. Click here to access the article (soon).
Galway, L.P., Burkhardt, R., Berger, P. & Cameron, E. (2021) Climate Change in Medical School Curricula: A Status Report. Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Click here to access the report.
Sanderson, R. & Galway, L.P. (Submitted) Perceptions of climate change and climate mitigation among health professionals in Northern Ontario: A qualitative study. Journal of Climate Change and Health
Sanderson, R. & Galway, L.P. (Submitted) Health professional approaches and techniques towards communicating climate change in a predominantly rural setting. Preparing for submission to Environmental Communication.
Galway, L.P. Esquega, L., Jones-Casey, K. (Submitted) Exploring the connections among climate change, land, and health in Fort William First Nation: Findings from a community-based project applying Two-Eyed Seeing. Social Science and Medicine.
Galway, L.P., Deck, E., Carasthathias, J., Sanderson, R., (2021) Exploring social-ecological influences on commuter cycling in a midsize northern city: A qualitative study in Thunder Bay, Canada. Transport Geography. Click here to access the article.
Gislason, M. Galway, L.P., Buse, C., Rees, E., Parkes, M.W. (2021) Place-based Climate Change Communication and Engagement in Canada’s Provincial North: Lessons Learned from Climate Champions. Environmental Communication. Click here to access the article.
Schiff, R., Levkoe, C & Galway, L.P. (2020) Introduction: Place-Based Sustainability Research in the Provincial North. Northern Review. Click here to access the article.
Achary, Y, Naz, S., Galway, L.P., Jones, A. (2020) Deforestation and Household- and Individual-Level Double Burden of Malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P. & Cameron, E. (2020) Flipping Online Learning in Public Health Graduate Education. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 6(3), 212–221. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., & Strutt, C. (2020) Climate Change & Health in Fort William First Nation: Youth Photovoice Project Community Report. Fort William First Nation and Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Click here to access the report.
Galway, L.P., & Esquega, L. (2020) Climate Change & Health in Fort William First Nation: Messages for our Youth. Fort William First Nation and Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., & Esquega, L. (2020) Climate Change & Health in Fort William First Nation: Planning for the Future Today – Community Report. Fort William First Nation and Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Buse, C., Gislason, M., & Parkes.M.W (2020) Perspectives on Climate Change in Thunder Bay: Findings from a Community Survey. Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Click here to access the report.
Galway, L.P., Buse, C., Gislason, M., & Parkes. MW (2020) Perspectives on Climate Change in Prince George: Findings from a Community Survey. Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Click here to access article. Click here to access the article. Click here to access the report.
Galway, L.P., Beery, T., Jones-Casey, K., Tasala, T. (2019) Mapping the solastalgia literature: A scoping review study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(15). Click here to access the article.
Irving, K. & Galway, L.P. (2019) An evaluation of tick and Lyme disease information on health unit websites in Ontario. Environmental Health Reviews. 62(1): 20–27. Click here to access the article.
Muldoon, K., Galway, L., Reeves, A., Leach, T., Heimerl, M., Sampsel, K. (2019) Geographies of Sexual Assault: Using spatial analyses to identify neighbourhoods affected by violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P. (2019) Perceptions of climate change in Thunder Bay, Ontario: Towards a place-based understanding. Local Environments. 24:1, 68-88. Click here to access the article.
Carasthathias, J., Sawula, E., Krupper, A., Galway, L.P. (2019) Bikeability and cyclist safety in Thunder Bay report. Thunder Bay District Health Unit. Click here to access the report.
Carasthathias, J., Sawula, E., Krupper, A., Galway, L.P . (2018) Walkability and Pedestrian Safety in Thunder Bay report. Thunder Bay District Health Unit. Click here to access report.
Galway, L.P., Achary, Y., Jones, A. (2018) Deforestation and child diet diversity: A geospatial analysis of 15 Sub-Saharan African countries. Health and Place. 51, 78-88. Click here to access the article.
Hagopian, A., Flaxman,A., Galway, L.P., Takaro, T., and Burnham, G. (2018) How to estimate (and not to estimate) war deaths: A reply to van Weezel and Spagat. Research and Politics. Click here to access the article.
Buse, C., Oestreicher, S., Ellis, N., Patrick, R., Brisbois, B., Jenkins, A., McKellar, K., Kingsley J., Gislason, M., Galway, L.P., Frumkin, H., Parkes, M.W. (2018) A public health guide to field developments linking ecosystems, environments and health in the Anthropocene. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Click here to access the article.
Jones, A., Achary, Y., Galway, L.P. (2017) Deforestation and child diet diversity: A geospatial analysis of 15 Sub-Saharan African countries. The Lancet. 389 (2):11. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P. (2017) Boiling over: A closer look at boil-water advisories in First Nations communities in Ontario. The Health and Wellness Bulletin. Assembly of First Nations. Click here to access the article.
Li S, Flaxman A, Lafta R, Galway L.P, Takaro T, Burnham G, Hagopian A. (2016) A novel method for verifying war mortality while estimating Iraqi deaths for the Iran-Iraq war through Operation Desert Storm (1980-1993) PLOS One. 11(10):e0164709. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Allen, D., Parkes, M., & Takaro. (2016) Building interdisciplinary research capacity: A key challenge for ecological approaches in public health. AIMS Public Health. 3(2): 389-406. (Special Issue – Ecological Approaches in Public Health). Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P. Boiling over: A descriptive analysis of boil-water advisories in First Nation drinking water systems reported in Ontario, Canada. (2016) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(5): 505. (Special Issue – Environmental Justice Research: Contemporary Issues and Emerging Topics). Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Parkes, M., Corbett, K. & Takaro, T. (2016) Climate change frames in public health and water resource management. Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Hazards. (Ed) Leal, Washington, DC. 35-48. Click here to access book chapter.
Stewart, B., Lafta, R., Cherewick, M., Al-Shatary, S., Flaxman, A, Hagopian, A., Galway, L.P., Takaro, T., Burnham. G., Kushner, AL., Mock, C. (2016) Road traffic injuries in Baghdad from 2003 to 2014: Results of a randomised household cluster survey. Injury Prevention. 22(5): 321-327. Click here to access the article.
Stewart, B., Lafta, R., Al-Shatary, S., Cherewick, M., Burnham. G., Hagopian, A., Galway, L.P., Kushner, A. (2016) Burns in Baghdad from 2003 to 2014: Results of a randomized household cluster survey. Burns. 42(1): 48– 55. Click here to access the article.
Jones, A., Achary, Y. & Galway, L.P. (2015) Urbanicity is associated with the nutritional double burden in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Nutrition. 146(6):1257-67. Click here to access the article.
Lafta, R., Al-Shatary, S., Cherewick, M., Galway, L.P., Mock, C., Hagopian, A., Flaxman, A., Kushner, A., Greer, A., & Burnham, G. (2015) Injuries, death, and disability associated with 11 years of conflict in Baghdad, Iraq: A randomized household cluster survey. PLoS One. 10(8): e0131834. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Berry, B. & Takaro. T. (2015) Student perceptions and lessons learned from flipping a master’s level environmental health course. The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 41(2): 1-16. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Allen, D., Parkes, M., Li, L., & Takaro, T. (2014) Hydroclimatic factors and acute gastro-intestinal illness in British Columbia, Canada: A time-series analysis. Water Resources Research. 51(2): 8-10. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P, Corbett, K., Takaro, T, Tairyan, K., & Frank, E. (2014) A Novel integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in public health higher education. BMC Medical Education. 14(181): 10-14. Click here to access the article.
2013 & Earlier
Galway, L.P., Allen, D., Parkes, M., & Takaro, T. (2013) Seasonal variation of acute gastro-intestinal illness by hydroclimatic regime and drinking water source: A retrospective population-based study. Journal of Water & Health. 12(1): 122-135. Click here to access the article.
Hagopian, A., Flaxman, A., Takaro, T., Al Shatari, S, Rajaratnam, J., Becker, S., Galway, L.P., Weiss, W., Murray, C., & Burnham, G. (2013) Mortality in Iraq associated with the 2003–2011 war and occupation: Findings from a national cluster sample survey by the university collaborative Iraq mortality study. PLoS Medicine. 10(10): e1001533. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Bell, N., Al Shatari, S., A two-stage cluster sampling method using gridded population data, a GIS, and Google EarthTM imagery in a population-based mortality survey in Iraq. (2012) International Journal of Health Geographics. 11(12): 1-9. Click here to access the article.
Galway, L.P., Corbett, K., & Zeng, L. Where are the NGOs and why? The distribution of health and development NGOs in Bolivia. (2012) Globalization & Health. 8(38): 1-13. Click here to access the article.
Jones, A., Cruz Agudo, Y., Galway, L.P., Bentley, J., & Pinstrup-Anderson, P. (2012) Heavy agricultural workloads and low crop diversity are strong barriers to improving child feeding practices in the Bolivian Andes. Social Science & Medicine. 75(9): 1673–1684. Click here to access the article.
Muldoon, K., Galway, L.P., Nakajima, M., Kanters, S. (2011) Health system determinants of infant, child and maternal mortality: A cross-sectional study of UN member countries. Globalization Health. 7(42): 1-10. Click here to access the article.

- 807-766-7280
- lgalway[at]lakeheadu[dot]ca
- Room 3002, PACI Building
401 Red River Rd Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1B4